Wednesday 5 October 2011

Steve Jobs Has Passed Away (1955-2011)

ToiLET ApPLe:  GOOD, Steve JOBS have no more JOB......hahahahahha


  1. Narrow-minded comments from what I can conceive is an 8 year old boy... worshiping products? Are you that superficial!? Steve Jobs was so much more than that. And since when did honoring a great man become a religious issue for you? I guess you need some time with life to figure that out for yourself. May there be many history/biography books of Steve to help your naivety grow.

    I have an idea... let's dial up God and ask him if I can see/speak to my dying grandmother who is halfway across the world in her hospital bed. Do you think he could do that? Or maybe I should just use my iPad or iPhone with FaceTime.

    Do the math. So much for God now, huh?

  2. did you read my comment, I called this nihilism, and said it was good. Just trying to show how we have replaced one god with another in trying to find meaning, but I guess you didn't read my whole comment! Glad to hear you have all those ithings, I guess that's what makes you--you, oh I mean iYou.

  3. Lol @johntrip

    Facetime is an apple innovation now is it?

    How about you do some research, Tablets and "facetime" have been out for a long long time. It only got popularized by apple with the release of the original Ipod.

    Really every single thing that has been released by apple on the ipods/phones in general has been done before or the idea's were thought out by different companies. icloud? come on that was last decade man. There isn't anything original or anything that moved mankind forward that was done by apple, that wasn't thought of or done already by another product/company.
